Do your marketing metrics truly support your company’s strategic goals? If you’re puzzling over the right set of metrics, focus on continuous improvement.

Measuring performance is key to any successful marketing leader. The way that you do it will depend on the systems, technologies and processes you have in place - and crucially, the metrics that you use to measure performance vary according to the activity and engagement that matters most to your business. 

In a recent article published by MIT Sloan Management Review, Clevertouch Co-founder and CEO, Adam Sharp, along with co-authors, Rob Angell and Tom Chapman, explore the essentials of a modern Marketing Performance Management (MPM) system, drawing on insights from academic research and their combined consulting experience.

The article expands on the following five key considerations when thinking about your marketing metrics and creating a MPM framework:

  1. Align metrics with strategy
  2. Measure desired outcomes, not just financial metrics
  3. Establish cause and effect
  4. Triangulate metrics to establish fault lines
  5. Reject vanity metrics and seek sanity

Read the article here.

At Clevertouch we work with the world's most ambitious brands to transform the way they adopt, integrate and measure their Martech. Get in touch with us today to learn more about Marketing Performance Management and how to measure and visualise the metrics that matter. 


About the Authors

Rob Angell is a professor of marketing at the University of Stirling in Scotland and nonexecutive director of insights at U.K.-based Clevertouch Consulting. Adam Sharp is founder and CEO of Clevertouch Consulting. Tom Chapman is a principal teaching fellow at the University of Southampton in England.