Choosing the appropriate automation tool for your needs will simplify your marketing efforts and make Pardot more efficient.

Let’s go through some examples use cases.

Want to send an autoresponder email when a prospect downloads a whitepaper?

  • Use a completion action.

Want to pull a one-time list of all prospects with a specific country field?

  • Use a segmentation rule.


Want to create a Salesforce task when a prospect submits a form and has a grade greater than B+?

  • You need a rule that performs an action based on the criteria. Therefore use an automation rule.



Want to create a list that you can use for an Engagement Program?

Let’s say you want to add Prospects to a list when they have a lead score greater than 99 and a grade of at least a B+. Using negative lead scoring, they are removed from the list when their score falls below 100 or grade falls below B+.

You need a rule that updates a list based on the criteria of a score greater than 100 and a grade that is greater than B+.

Therefore, you need a rule that runs more than once, updates a list and is based on certain criteria.

  • Use a dynamic list.