Marketing Automation specialists are like gold dust in an organisation.

Rare to find and hard to keep, replacing a Marketing Automation expert can take time. So, what happens if your expert or specialist were to leave your organisation? How would you keep the plates spinning?

There’s no doubt that the marketing industry is facing a skills shortage when it comes to marketing technology. We’ve seen it in a number of organisations that have approached us, the business needs to continue delivering campaigns, but the war for Marketing Automation talent has left a shortage of key skills available.

If the Marketing Automation specialist — or team — were to leave the organisation, the business needs to find a replacement, and quickly. However, this can be a slow process. So, who looks after the campaigns and projects while the replacement is found? With marketing objectives and targets to hit, business as usual must continue.

It’s important for marketing teams to continue to learn and expand their skills, and it’s equally important for the business to Level Up their teams to understand Marketing Automation. Whether you’re looking to build a contingency plan for Marketing Automation skills leaving, or you’re looking to bring in a specialist, you typically have three options ahead of you:

  • Level Up resource from your existing or wider team to become fluent in marketing technology and Marketing Automation software in particular.
  • Outsource Marketing Automation campaign delivery to a Marketing Automation partner for a short or long-term solution.
  • Adopt simplification tools and processes such as Momentum to help support the long-term ambition of the team.
  • We’ve written a handy guide to provide a balanced assessment on the key challenges senior marketers are facing with the War for Talent and the three options available to them to support their Marketing Automation ambitions.