“Integrations with tools such as Momentum allow more teams to get directly involved in reviews and edits for initiatives enabled by Marketo Engage.”

Neo4j, the leader in graph database technology, expands its commercial success and entry into new markets through the successful implementation and use of Marketo Engage and Momentum. The seamless integration and usability of both the Marketo Engage and Momentum platforms enable Neo4j’s marketing team to deliver impactful outbound marketing campaigns, all over the globe, with consistently high open rates coupled with extremely low unsubscribe rates.

Clevertouch and Adobe’s Marketo Engage have worked closely together for the last decade and we are their only Platinum partner domiciled in Europe. Our success is exemplified in Neo4j’s use case, a company that has adopted both Marketo Engage and Clevertouch Momentum into its’ marketing strategy, greatly increasing the success of their outbound communications, and ultimately their revenue.

Hot on the heels of our recent announcement to Adobe Specialised Partner status for Marketo Engage, this is yet another example of Clevertouch and Adobe’s partnership, and our commitment to delivering simple, connected marketing technology. To read the full case study on Adobe’s blog, click here.  

Momentum is an email and landing page simplification tool which empowers field marketers to build their own assets whilst maintaining quality and control sign-off from a central Marketo specialist. It also enables rapid Marketo adoption across global enterprises and lowers the barriers of email marketing. Momentum truly helps scale Marketo execution and drive efficiencies in complex marketing environments. If you want to find out more about Momentum, or would like to see a demo, please click here.