According to Hubspot, 74% of online consumers get frustrated with websites when content appears that has nothing to do with their interests.

This, coupled with the fact that personalized web experiences see an average of 19% uplift in sales, is proof that personalisation is the way forward for marketers everywhere. The specifics of that journey forward lie with dynamic content; that is, the process of tailoring your messaging to its specific audience, be that by vertical, job title or stage in the customer lifecycle, as well as many more.

Where to start?

This all begins with proper lead / data segmentation, as well as strong integration between your martech platforms, namely your MA platform, your CRM, and whatever Business Intelligence tool you use, for example PowerBI or Tableau. If your data is properly segmented, labelled and managed, you will then be able to answer questions such as:

  • Is this contact at the beginning of the customer journey, simply needing basic information about company and solution?
  • Or are they well nurtured leads ready for a commitment and so a Sales call?

How MA helps

Marketing Automation platforms are perfect for delivering personalised messages. This is because MA allows you to automate at scale the specifics of communication based on a variety of contact information: dynamic content.

For example, let’s take Sara Smith, an IT director at an ambitious Tech start up – she has been a contact in your database for 6 months and has engaged with 5 pieces of content in the most recent 2 months. With dynamic content, you can target your communications with Sara based on the above attributes, and, providing your platform integrations are set up correctly, also be able to track how successful these communications are, and in doing so work out what content is best for her stage of the funnel.

After a while, you will have a comprehensive set of data that illustrates what content is best for what stage of the funnel, and how customers from different industries and departments receive that content; this allows for even further personalisation. In fact, according to Econsultancy, “76% of marketers believe that all email messages will be completely personalized in the next five years.

Dynamic Content is the way forward for digital marketing, and essential to managing campaigns and content effectively, ensuring those customers become engaged and qualified for Sales. If you want to find out more about other common challenges and solutions of effective Campaign and Content Management, click below to download our guide.

6 Challenges to successful Campaign and Content Management