8 Business Reasons for Investing in Marketing Automation

According to our State of Martech Report 2023, 27% of respondents felt the expectation for a hyper-personalised experience has significantly increased. Our buyers and their expectation on us to provide a best-in-class digital experience is changing rapidly, and as marketers, we need to have the tools, resource and capabilities to meet these changing demands.

To articulate to senior stakeholders why the investment of resource and budget is required, you need to be able to demonstrate the impact it will have on business objectives.

In our new guide, we've set out 8 business reasons that enable you to have those board-level conversations, that support the shift in how marketing is viewed - from a cost centre to a profit centre - and will help you develop an informed and compelling business case for investing in marketing automation. 

The Trusted Advisor for Leading Brands

These are just a few of the leading brands who trust us to help push the boundaries of marketing technology to improve customer experience and drive business outcomes.